Published/Accepted papers

Kukaev, I., & Timmons, E. J. 2024. Certifiably Employable? Occupational Regulation and Unemployment Duration.  Southern Economic Journal, 90(4) 1035-1059

Meehan, B., Timmons, E., Meehan, A., and Kukaev, I., 2019. The Effects of Growth in Occupational Licensing on Intergenerational Mobility. Economics Bulletin, 39(2)

Working papers

Is Occupational Licensing a Barrier to Self-Employment?  with Timmons, E. J. (Submitted)

The Effects of Immigration on Native Employment — Evidence from Isolated and Integrated Ethnic Enclaves in Germany with Ahmed Rahman  (Submitted)

Work in progress

Effects of Partial Removal of Barriers to Entry When Supply is Limited: the Case of Latin Notaries in Russia

Matching Efficiency Under Multiple Labor Market Frictions with Timmons, E. J.

Identifying a Set in Equilibrium When Links Are Pairwise Stable: the Case of Latin Notaries